Todd Dexter & Associates and its team of proven experts creates highly-customized direct response fundraising strategies that reflect the DNA of the client organization … and touch the heart of the donor.
Our goal is really quite simple: to use optimized direct response fundraising strategies to generate more donors and dollars for our clients.
Optimized direct response fundraising is more than techniques and programs, it is based on a philosophy that builds on beliefs and refines strategies based on analytics and client metrics.
Direct mail continues to produce the most income at the highest return on investment of any direct response fundraising channel.
When scaled properly, direct mail is the foundation and heart of the most effective nonprofit fundraising programs. And while it has an enormous ability to scale and grow with client needs, it is also a fragile ecosystem that requires care and constant attention.
TDA brings decades of experience and testing to clients as we craft personalized direct mail programs for each organization’s unique needs. Experience + Client Objectives + Analytics = direct mail effectiveness and client satisfaction.
Whether it is to say “Thank you” to donors or to ask them for their help for ongoing or special needs, telefundraising continues to play an important role in twenty-first century fundraising.
Telefundraising provides a warm and personal connection that many donors value and appreciate. And older donor demographics are often very appreciative of this one-to-one channel. It gives all donors the chance to engage personally with your cause by asking questions and directing the information flow to their personal area of interest.
Telefundraising Pledge Rate from key audience.
The digital channel continues to grow, year over year, like no other fundraising channel. From websites to microsites to landing pages and email campaigns, digital is an important channel for nonprofits.
Our award-winning digital partners bring the creative expertise and cost-effective technical development to TDA clients.
TDA integrates direct mail and telefundraising with the digital channel in cost-effective and results-enhancing ways. Resulting in More Donors and Dollars.